Definition of Health and Wellbeing

Write at least one in-depth paragraph for each question below.
A. What is your definition of health and wellbeing? Give at least three
examples of how this definition can be carried out in everyday life.
(Think about examples from your own personal and/or professional experiences.)

B. Identify and explain/describe three major factors which will contribute to health and wellbeing. For each factor – give at least one specific example

C. Should the focus of health and wellbeing be placed on addressing health problems, prevention or both? Explain why this is important.

D. What context(s) should be addressed in health and wellbeing? (e.g., individual, family, community, society, global). Explain why this is important.
E. What is health and wellbeing?
F. Identify three examples supported by this definition.
What similarities/differences do you note from these perspectives? What ideas seem to be common among the subject? What ideas stand out as unique?

What perspective(s) have guided the health care organization? Have your own perspectives differed from those of your organization? In what ways?

What perspective(s) have guided your life? What perspectives would you like to hold in the fu