Create a Digital Marketing Plan for an Irish SME business / organisation based in tge border regionof your choice.

Group Project. Integrated Marketing Plan


4,000 to 5,000 words.


Create a Digital Marketing Plan for an Irish SME business / organisation based in tge border regionof your choice.


At a minimum, your report should consider the following:-



  • Company background / situation analysis including an analysis of the company’s marketing environment – micro and macro – and its current marketing communication.



Where do we want to go? Use SMART objectives!



  • Proposed marketing strategy including its rationale, objectives and key target audience(s).



  • Digital marketing channels selected and rationale for choice.


Actions on digital channels. What type of content will you use? How will you disperse it?



Metrics, monitoring and analytics. How will you measure? What are your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Explain your rationale for the measurement method you use and for the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you have selected.


Integration with offline

  • If your chosen organisation has existing “traditional” marketing activity, does the Digital Marketing Plan complement the company’s traditional activities (if any)? Does it integrate with the company’s overall business strategy?


  • Visual examples such as mockups to be used where appropriate.


(Note: This is not an exhaustive list. All businesses are unique so the above list is probably not sufficient and is not intended to be comprehensive.)





Turnitin Submission


Assignments should demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter and provide evidence of reading relevant literature. All sources, be they reports, textbooks, Websites should be clearly acknowledged at the relevant point in the text and then within a bibliography at the end of the assignment.


You must appropriately reference any material that you use. (See DkIT’s Credit where Credit is Due for details on Harvard Referencing)


Project is  to be submitted via Turnitin link


Late Submissions
Note: Late assignments or assignments that do not meet this specification will be penalised. Any submissions after the due time will be penalised as per standard regulations.

Late assignments will be marked as follows:
•           up to one week late: 80% of the mark awarded
•           more than 1 week late: repeat guidelines apply (i.e. max. 40%)

Marking Schemehy


Choice of Company 100
Situation 100
Objectives 50
Strategy 200
Tactics / Channels 200
Integration 50
Metrics Analytics 100
Creativity 100
Presentation 100