Explain how culture can be used to support reverse logistics within an organization? Use examples to support your position.

1. Explain how culture can be used to support reverse logistics within an organization? Use examples to support your position. Offer any personal experiences that you may have in this regard. Use this text as one of your reference; Reverse Logistics Management (2011). Collaborative Processes. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons 2. Recognize areas of specific concern related to packaging and protection of hazardous materials before, during and immediately after transportation. From your readings and experience, identify the unique features of one mode of transportation in delivering a hazardous material. You can choose one of the following; truck, air cargo, ships at sea or rivers of lakes, rail and pipeline. Once you decide of the transportation mode, then find an example of how this mode was involved in a hazardous materials spill that harmed people and the environment. Then, identify the specific laws that were violated for that carrier mode to ship the contents. Describe the incident, the cost in dollars, the cost in lives, in jobs lost, and any other cultural or social or societal structures that may have changed permanently due to this incident. Please use 2 references for each question