Autism Spectrum Disorders

This reflection paper should be approximately 6-10 pages, excluding the title page and reference
list. This paper should follow APA style (6th ed).
To demonstrate application of knowledge gained during this course, reflect on a professional or
personal experience you have had with an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Think about how your increased understanding has changed your outlook on this condition. If
you have not had any experiences with someone with ASD, you can still offer information
regarding your learning of it from this course.
This paper must be in essay format and demonstrate critical thinking about the interconnection
between the concepts introduced in the course, and the application of course content to the
You should not have to use any resources for this paper, since it is a reflection paper. However,
you may wish to refer back to the information learned from the textbook (and cite it
Boutot, A. E. (2017). Autism Spectrum Disorders: Foundations, characteristics, and
effective strategies (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
▪ What has brought me to working with individuals with ASD?
▪ What have I learned about ASD in this course?
▪ How has my understanding of ASD changed in this course?
▪ What new insights have I developed in this course? Any surprises?
▪ What key interventions have I learned in this course? What will they target?
▪ What key insights have I developed that may be applicable in my own life/work?
▪ How has my learning and experience from this course influenced my thinking about
▪ What types of interventions are you most drawn to?
▪ How might your learnings influence your work with individuals with ASD?
▪ What theories or concepts best fits with your own views of ASD? What concepts are
most appealing to you and why?
▪ What models or techniques of intervention do you gravitate towards? What about those
interventions appeals to you? Why do such interventions appeal to you more than others
▪ Are there any approaches you would choose not to implement and why?
▪ What is your view on how problematic behaviours are maintained? Managed?
▪ How do you see family needs influencing the intervention process?
A concise summary of the reflection paper.
A concise statement of the rationale, purpose, and structure of the paper.
Personal Analysis
Proper identification of key learnings obtained about Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Understanding of the concepts in shaping your understanding and overall development
within the field of autism (synthesis and evaluation).
This should be highly detailed.
Application of Learning
Establishment of links between personal experiences, course materials, and overall
development (affective learning).
Demonstrate critical thinking and identification of the potential implications of your
learning and work with individuals with ASD (synthesis and evaluation).
This should be highly detailed.
Discussion and Conclusions
Clear, logical conclusions drawn from the body of the paper. Review with well-founded
recommendations for further reflections, areas to continue working on, and your goals for
the future.