Legal Issues, Values and Ethics (CIA And HUMINT Organizations)

The attached Word Document is the previous paper that this project must work with. (Instructions below) Write 5 to 7pages, double-spaced, of the proposed Legal Issues, Values and Ethics section of your course project for instructor and peer feedback. The Legal Issues, Values and Ethics section should: 1. List, and briefly describe the major regulatory and legal requirements that your organization does, or will operate under (i.e. Executive Orders, Military Regulations, Laws, etc.). 2. Analyze the implications of regulatory and legal requirements with the HUMINT scenario and intended activities from Part 3. 3. Establish a code of values and ethics that will serve as the overarching moral code to guide your organization’s personnel as they conduct HUMINT activities. Note(s): (1) Intelligence organizations typically have a myriad of regulatory and legal requirements that will apply. For purposes of this project portion, include the top five (no more than five will be necessary). Also include peer-reviewed references that contribute to the substance of the paper, and support the topic thesis.