Discuss ways of improving Reverse Logistics with a Returns Management Strategy.

Discuss ways of improving Reverse Logistics with a Returns Management Strategy. Remember that this paper should be between 10 pages in total for the content, not counting the title page or the reference page, attached is the first five pages of the work. Ensure the paper reflects graduate level work that is formatted in APA style. This outline must follow the preceding format as far as section headings. Abstract* Introduction* Background Literature Review* Findings* Conclusion* Summary Future Research APA GUIDELINES University of California Berkeley Library APA Style Citation http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/APAstyle.pdf Purdue University APA Formatting and Style Guide http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/#resourcenav Add 3 more references to the 7 that are already used in the attached doc.