McDonald’s and how it influences Students Diet

Your Research Project Proposal: McDonald’s and how it influences Students Diet


What is your Aim?

The aim of your project can be summarised as what you are aiming to do. The aim will direct you as a researcher and those that read your work. Please have only one aim – and no more than one! A good aim rarely takes more than one or two lines to write. One sentence should be sufficient. Further, do not use the terms ‘and’ or ‘also’ in the aim as using these will almost always mean you have two or more aims.


Your AIM:  Examine how McDonald’s influences UCB students Diet.



Compiling your objectives

Objectives are sometimes called Milestones or Key Stages and these assist you to achieve your aim. Most projects have between 3 or 4 objectives. Too many objectives may indicate that your topic requires “narrowing down”. The objectives are not purely about the process itself so it would be inappropriate to suggest an objective of “to carry out a literature review”, more useful would be “…to ascertain the relationship between x, y and z as detailed within the current literature.”


Before you start writing your objectives, think about what the key issues are within your research topic and the overall question you are addressing in your research project.


Examples of Objectives

  • To critically evaluate…
  • To identify…
  • To determine…
  • To explore the relationship between…


Your Objectives:


1.    Determining some reasons that consuming large amounts of McDonalds products can lead to obesity

2.    To identify if UCB students consume Fast Food

3.    To analyze if they believe it affects their health


4.    Study if lack of time affects Students in choosing fast food



Project Rationale:

The project rationale sets out why you are carrying out the research and why the research is important, i.e. who will benefit from the research and how will your research make a contribution to either the current literature or industry best practice or a specific organisation or group of individuals.

Rationale: It is held that the outcome of this research will show if lack of time affects the UCB student’s in choosing fast food.

Also, if UCB students believe that eating fast food affects their health.

To address the objectives, a measurement tool should be used in order to

give a picture of the level of involvement of UCB Students on purchasing fast food. Μy work will benefit the students, health and well-being related groups.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              














Theoretical Framework

Please read your research project handbook and see examples available on Canvas. Then complete your own theoretical framework below:



Research the reason of UCB students choosing McDonalds
What changes can be done in the diet of UCB students for healthier meals.


How to convenience UCB students to have a healthier diet.
Advantages and disadvantage of eating McDonalds.

Examine how the Fast Food influences UCB students Diet.







Topic Choice Matrix



You must complete a topic choice matrix (the outline is below and examples are on Canvas) and submit this with your proposal. A good matrix indicates to your supervisor that you have thought about the broader context and the approach within which your research will take place.


What key terms/concepts will you use in your work:

-Fast food





-Lack of time

What theory/models will be applied in your work:

-How McDonalds as a company operates.

– What customers enjoy and expect from the company.

– What are the company’s standards.

What data or information will you need to collect for your research?


Relevant books, journals, websites and questioners to the public population according their interest in this kind of meals.

What access will you need to obtain to get your data?

For the data I must collect I need some further information from “inside” how a fast food restaurant operates and run smoothly. 

Measurement – how will you evaluate, judge, compare and analyse your primary and/or secondary data?

All sources will be checked by its writer, publisher and date of publishing.

Contribution: to whom and why will your research be of interest (or of use)?

This research will interest the Students considering their consuming of fast food especially this very well-known fast food restaurant chain.