Type 2 diabetes in seniors

Get Write Directions Post your initial draft by the end of the day on Sunday and provide feedback to at least one student colleague by the end of the academic week (Tuesday by 11:59 PM). Your initial post must include APA formatted citations in the body of the post and full references at the bottom of the post to acknowledge the source(s) of your information so you can practice APA formatting. Refer to the Get Write rubric in the course Syllabus for more specific information about requirements and grading standards. Get Write Topic As you know, scientific research is designed to add to the body of current knowledge. For this Get Write conversation, •Identify your health issue or trend •Briefly summarize the information you found in Unit 1 about the health issue or trend. Remember that you need citations and references for the sources of information. •What new information do you think you can learn related to the issue or trend? •What information is most important to you? (What is most important is likely your research problem.) •Identify your research problem. Remember your research problem will guide step 2 of your scientific research process, the literature review. •In responding to your student colleagues, consider whether the research problem is narrow enough to be the focus of a practical scientific study. Suggest ideas to refine the research problem question if needed.