Project/Activity #3 committe board meeting

Project/Activity #3
Board Meeting*

• Attend any community board meeting
o your neighborhood community board meeting
o workplace board meeting of hospital or health facility;
o MEC community board mtg.
• Submission must comply with Rubric (see Documents) governing assessment of paper
Student will:
• Attend a board meeting during the semester (see above)
• Write minutes or summary of board meeting experience
o write minutes/summary as though you were the group’s minute-taker
• Attach agenda (signed by a member of the board)
o introduce yourself and explain your presence (arrive before start of meeting)
• Go on website to ascertain a history of the board
o may incorporate relevant aspects into paper
• Discuss what you got out of the experience
o end minutes/summary with a paragraph expressing what you ascertained from the experience
o relate the experience to a course objective/outcome or the GST
• Paper due: see above
• Submit packet to professor
o Include paper
o Include agenda signed / dated by a board member

NUR 322 Course Objectives/Outcomes:
1. Relate the general systems theory to the configuration and functioning of diverse groups

2. Articulate the relativity of health and dynamism of mental health as a function of cultural and environmental realities

3. Employ group dynamics skills to enhance partnership with clients and other care providers in order to ensure holistic and culturally sensitive primary health care

4. Draw on knowledge from the humanities and behavioral sciences to analyze health needs and evaluate health care outcomes for individual, groups, and communities

5. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills in formulating professional judgments that enhance group climate and promote the discipline of nursing

6. Utilize personal and professional codes of ethics that promote effective participation in diverse group settings

7. Accept responsibility for own decisions consistent with professional nursing practice

8. Utilize elements of effective communication patterns needed for effective advocacy for clients, cultural competency collaboration with members of the health care team and enhancement of own mental health