Reflective Essay

Craft a stylish essay that analyzes all the writing collected in your portfolio. In this essay, you will introduce yourself as a college-level writer reviser with your own voice, you will intricately analyze all the drafts you’ve completed across the course, and you will uniquely pose arguments for what makes (or breaks) you as a writer/reader. Your goal is to to answer the question, “How has your writing process evolved with each assignment/draft you completed in 39A?” by using your own writing in the portfolio as your textual evidence. Focus on the breakdown of the process-work that underlay each assignment and draft, and make interesting and persuasive claims about your progress in 39A by supporting your claims with specific references to moments in the drafts collected in your portfolio. This means you will be doing a hefty amount of summary and quotation of your own 4 DANA MURPHY WRITING 39A (ONLINE) JULY 7 – SEPT 11, 2015 DMURPHY1@UCI.EDU 33045-Z15@CLASSES.UCI.EDUCANVAS.EEE.UCI.EDU/COURSES/336 writing in this essay. This essay should reflect what you’ve learned stylistically by having the writing in this essay itself evidence awareness, style, and improvement. Like all academic essays, even your reflective analysis essay should be grounded by an overall argument/thesis. The essay should therefore have already passed through a thorough drafting process before submission. It should be well-argued, sensibly organized, and clear. You can look at my tumblr to see my writing style: And this is the course syllabus..