APPLICATION PAPER: INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Think about your current communication skills. You might consider your general communication skills (such as expressing yourself clearly, thinking before you speak, making up your mind firmly, saying “no” without feeling guilty), your self-awareness skills (such as understanding your own strengths and weaknesses, being able to identify your values, recognizing the impact of your behavior on others, setting realistic goals), and your interpersonal skills (such as listening with an open mind, being a good “people reader,” expressing feeling appropriately), and so on. In narrative (essay) form, respond to the following questions: What do you identify as your two or three most significant strengths in the area of communication? Illustrate each of these strengths by a specific personal example. What do you identify as your one or two most significant weaknesses? Illustrate (specifically) why you feel these are problem areas. Now determine three to five goals (in the area of interpersonal communication) you would like to set for yourself this semester (Please refer to chapter 1 and always use in-text citations when using material that is not your own). What is one specific thing you could do now to begin reaching one of those goals? Application Papers are due on the date specified in your syllabus and will be collected at the beginning of class. Late papers will be subject to a 15% reduction (or a 1 1/2 letter grade), per twenty-four hour period, including weekends. As expected, papers should be carefully edited and proper grammar and language rules must be followed for you to receive a desirable grade. Please use 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spacing (refer to this page as an example), and totaling 2-3 pages. Successful completion of each Application Paper demonstrates your progress towards accomplishing the learning goals of this course. I look forward to reading your papers!