Full and clear liquid diets for a geriatric patient (TEACHING PROJECT)


THERAPEUTIC DIET:  Full and clear liquid diets.”


PURPOSE: The purpose of the patient/family teaching project is to develop and implement a teaching plan for a geriatric patient utilizing teaching learning principles.

OBJECTIVES: By the conclusion of the presentation, the students will be able to:

  1. State the various indications for a specified diet
  2. Explain the scientific rationale for a prescribed diet
  3. Describe food/fluid restrictions appropriate for diet or food/fluids encouraged to meet nutritional needs?
  4. Describe how to present a short nutritional teaching plan to a patient& family with cultural differences.
  5. Apply current research related to the nutrition topic.


  1. Utilize teaching experience rubric for essential criteria.
  2. The paper should be between 3-5 pages (not including title page and references).
  3. The paper must be typed and conform to APA format.
  4. A minimum of two references are required.

Rubric for essential criteria:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment

-Clear and concise discussion of patient’s admission diagnosis, demographic data, and anticipated learning needs Clear and comprehensive patient assessment data to support a deficient knowledge nursing diagnosis.

  1. Patient Learning Needs Assessment

-Clear and complete assessment of learner (patient /family), teaching needs, and special learning needs, if present. Clear identification of patient’s strengths and weaknesses relevant to learning needs.

3. Organization/ Evidence-based Information

-Open and closing remarks that capture patient’s attention. Clear and correct statement of 2 teaching objectives. Clear and organized presentation of evidence-based patient teaching.

4. Organization/ Evidence-based Information

-Open and closing remarks that capture patient’s attention. Clear and correct statement of 2 teaching objectives. Clear and organized presentation of evidence-based patient teaching.

5. Teaching/ Learning Evaluation

Clear/appropriate evaluation of patient’s response and effectiveness/ineffectiveness of teaching. Reflective analysis of teaching including discussion of strengths and weaknesses.