Impact on Success: Perceptions of Students of Color on Multiculturalism in Higher Education

Original Topic:
Ultimately, is viewing violence in the media good or bad for our society? Choose one side.
● You may choose to discuss one single type of media or a broad range. You may also
choose to focus on one age group of society or society in general.
● Your paper must be at least 7 full pages long and follow proper MLA formatting
guidelines. It must be double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins,
and with a works cited page (the works cited page does not count as one of the required 7
pages). Each page must be printed on its own piece of paper.
● You must use at least 4 additional sources. You are welcome to use the articles we
discussed at the beginning of class, but you must use 4 sources in addition to those
articles if you choose to use them. Remember to fully evaluate your sources in order to
make an informed decision on whether or not they are strong academic sources.
● You must include a counter argument paragraph.
● You must include an expanded thesis statement.