Hire for fit and train for skills

Question 1

The new generation of human resource has introduced a new form of hiring from talent with the overhanging economic swings that have changed the job market for good. The new development in human resource has come with a new phrase of hire for fit and train for skills. In this context, fit can be used to refer to a kind of strategy that expressed a specific degree to which a business matches its resources to the capabilities of an individual though with the external environment in mind Bakker & Demerouti (2014). Fit is important because it takes shape through a strategy that happens to increase the resources of the company. In hiring through fit, it is therefore vital for the company to have actual capabilities and resources to support and execute a fair strategy. The fit strategy is significant for organizations because the strategy is actively used in evaluating the current strategic situation of a business and at the same time evaluates its opportunities such as organizational divisions.  Hiring for fit and training for skills means preferring to hire candidates basing on attitude over aptitude (Albrecht 2013).

This new method of hiring is different from traditional methods of human resource hiring that emphasized on hiring from academic achievement because it focuses on the attitude of employees rather than on academic achievement. When an individual is hired with the right attitude, an organization that practice ‘hiring for fit and training for skills’ then completes the aspect of skills through taking these employees on training to acquire the skills they need to perform. When human resource recruits top talent for the purpose of skills that employers need both at the moment and in the future, they are concentration on fit unlike traditional form of hiring that focused on skills that would not be similar to the needs of the business in the future. A fundamental difference between hiring for fit and hiring for skills is that the latter emphasizes on employees having perfect credentials while the former looks at the aspect of talent (Bersin 2015). Talent has an ability to grow the business in the future while the skills that are essential this year might not be necessary for the same field five years to come.

Question 2

Hiring for skills can be a direct experience that comes in form of a liability rather than an asset. Because employees are already used to previous work environments, obstacles and challenges they fail to become innovate and most times are not willing to take risks in their already built career paths (Bersin 2015). Employees who lack skills understand that their lack of experience needs them to prove themselves fit in all ways across the business thus they have to struggle to maintain or adopt new innovation techniques. The other group of employees with skills and experience might fail to prove them worthy, unable to implement approaches, strategies, methodologies, innovations and ideas thus lowering the power of problem solving and decision making for the organization. In a nutshell, businesses that hire for skill fail because they do not have the right attitude. For example South West Airlines have failed in the operations because they most time send invitations to individuals who dress in suits thinking they are serious individuals only to find they have hired the most ridiculous pilots who would not fit in a fun loving culture that should be maintained at South West Airlines (Smith 2012).