Relating values in the game of Chinese Go to everyday life

While writing always consider, what does go teach its players?
a. While writing consider the quote from the prompt in Yasunari Kawabata’s, The Master of Go :
– He said that he envied the Go player. “If one chooses to look upon Go as valueless,” he said, “then absolutely valueless it is; and if one chooses to look upon it as a thing of value, then a thing of absolute value it is.” (107)

3. Write a paper that takes values present in the game of Chinese Go and relate them to concrete everyday life examples that a college student goes through. Don’t be too specific with the examples, be broad (what I mean by this is don’t get into too much detail, like saying where I am from, the names of people around me). For example, challenges with school, social life, being away from loved ones etc. Talk about what the game values and what is necessary knowledge needed in order to succeed in Go, and how these principles can be applied to everyday life, also how the lessons from Go can help one endure struggle/hardship. Make it a point to include that Chinese Go has many applicable values to life and that I am choosing to apply its wisdom to my life. Include aspects of the nature of the game that make it unique from normal things in life. ALSO, include main themes from the novel, The Master of Go, and relate some topics in the essay to these main themes.

4. The only source should be, The Master of Go.

5. Include as much as you can from the prompt while also writing using the instructions from point #3.