What you have to do is identify the procurement approach you would advise the client to take to this project. Your submission should take the form of a short report (in the order of 2,500 – 3,000 words), supported where appropriate by tables, diagrams etc. either in the body of the text or as appendices. Such tables etc. do not form part of the word count. You must provide a clear justification for your recommended approach to packaging the project and procuring the works and services contracts required for the project.

The site is a disused local authority amenity services and vehicle repair depot, currently used by the local
authority (your client) as an overflow car park for its staff located in an existing building the other side of
Kingsway. Prior to local authority use, which began in 1936, the site was a bell foundry.
The purpose of the project is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the local authority’s
administrative functions, which are at present located in five different freehold buildings in the town.
The project consists of:
 Construction of a new 12 storey office building on the depot site
o The local authority is looking to create a building with a design life of at least 60 years.
Because the building will be a prominent feature of the town centre it is looking for a high
standard of design, though not an ‘iconic’ design to avoid accusations of wasting public
money. The local authority is also keen that the building achieves at least a ‘very good’
BREEAM rating.
 Repair and refurbishment of 4 of the other buildings (office buildings constructed in the 1960s)
once vacated with the aim of disposing of them by sale or lease.
 Repair and conversion of the fifth building, a Grade II listed art deco style office building, into luxury
flats for sale on the open market.
The local authority has sufficient capital funds for the construction of the new office building but will be
looking to replenish those funds as soon as possible from the proceeds of the sale of its redundant
buildings. The project is beyond the capacity of the local authority’s in-house design team.
7CNMN011W: Procurement– 2018/19 Semester 1
Additional information pertaining to the site
The premises off Kingsway, Railway Parade North and Springvale Road are all retail or leisure premises
with 4 levels of either office or residential accommodation above. The building known as The Glen on the
corner of O’Sullivan Road and Snedden Drive is a three storey residential care home for frail, elderly
persons provided as a goodwill gesture by the owner of the adjoining shopping centre. The small surface
car park adjacent to the site is owned by the property investor who owns the properties fronting onto
Springvale Road. It is used by the residential occupants of the upper floors of those properties.
The car park off Springvale Road is a 6 storey multi-storey car park serving the shopping centre.
What you have to do is identify the procurement approach you would advise the client to take to this
project. Your submission should take the form of a short report (in the order of 2,500 – 3,000 words),
supported where appropriate by tables, diagrams etc. either in the body of the text or as appendices.
Such tables etc. do not form part of the word count.
You must provide a clear justification for your recommended approach to packaging the project and
procuring the works and services contracts required for the project.