Sustainability Report

Take-Home Assignment: Sustainability Report My mission is to provide a sustainability report on a company of your choice. Ideally, this company is your current employer. (If you are not currently employed, or prefer not to write about your current employer, please ask the instructor to assign a suitable organization to you for purpose of this assignment). The objective is to assemble a brief, objective sustainability report for the company. You should write this report from the perspective of an external “auditor” (not an organizational member or PR representative). The level of detail for this report will not be the same as what you find in sustainability reports generated by companies themselves (e.g., the focus is not on reporting specific metrics, such as CO2 emissions). Rather, the report should evaluate overall environmental performance on the various dimensions we will discuss in class, identify reasonable goals for the company’s particular industry and evaluate status quo vis-à-vis the goals, and provide a perspective how progress towards these goals could be supported by people-based initiatives in this particular company. The handout you will receive outlines a structure for your report. You are free to deviate from the structure, but should make sure you address all major sections (or discuss why you cannot do so because of the lack of available information). For the first part of the report, you will need to summarize information from two sources: a) Your own research using company resources (e.g. website, sustainability reports, or other information made available publicly), and b) external sources (e.g. media reports, published case studies, sustainability and business rankings, etc.). The second part of the report will be based on your own analysis of this information and will constitute your recommendation. The report should not exceed 10 double-spaced pages in length. Please see attached instruction and related articles.