reserch paper focusing on method, results and discusiions section of two articles

For this paper, you will review two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that research a clinical intervention of some kind, focusing on the Method, Results, and Discussion sections. The paper be at least six to eight pages of writing (excluding the Title, Abstract, and References pages), and include Title, Abstract, and References pages. Students are required to cite at least three peer-reviewed journal articles.

Please answer the following questions when reviewing the two respective quantitative studies:
(a) what are the details of the sample studied (i.e., the demographic characteristics)
(b) how were the participants sampled
(c) what information is available on the reliability (e.g., internal consistency) and validity (e.g., construct) of the measures used (at minimum, the measure for the primary outcome variable)
(d) what information is available on the treatment and control conditions
(e) what are the between- and within-group effects (including the effect sizes [small, medium, or large])
(f) what are the strengths and limitations of the study (from the research team’s perspective)
(g) what are the strengths, limitations, and areas for improvement for the study (from your perspective)
(h) what improvements can be made for each intervention in order to be more culturally sensitive with clinical populations, including Christian clients?
The grading rubric wants an emphasis on the effect of between within group effect sizes section. Feel free to contact me with any questions.