Creating Network Diagrams

i will use my school’s plagiarism checker to make sure. If it is under 25% and you have followed directions, I will score you a 5 star rating. See below for instructions.

Information technologists, particularly network administrations, routinely document networks by creating diagrams. A good network diagram may represent the primary features and design of a particular network’s logical and physical configuration.

In this assignment, you create three diagrams that depict various parts of a coffee retailer’s cloud-managed network. Your diagrams should depict how the coffee shop retailer might effectively configure its LANs, WLAN, and WAN.

Read the Coffee Retailer Description document located in the Resources.
Complete the following two parts of the assignment:

Part 1 – Diagram of the Network
Draw diagrams that reasonably depict a network infrastructure that will enable Coffee Retailer to achieve the company’s strategic goal of offering customers public wireless Internet access. Make sure to list any assumptions regarding the company or your design that you need to make in order to design and draw a realistic diagram.

Make sure to do the following:

Create a logical wide area network (WAN) diagram showing major enterprise locations including the corporate headquarters, one typical retail location, and a cloud service provider.
Create a physical WAN diagram showing the core- and distribution-layer routers and switches.
Create a physical local area network (LAN) and wireless LAN (WLAN) diagram for one typical retail location.
Part 2 – Evaluate Your Design
Explain each of your diagrams and the choices you made. Consider how well your design and diagrams represent a solution for Coffee Retailer.

Evaluate how well your diagrams depict a working cloud-based solution for Coffee Retailer.
Submission Requirements
Submit both parts of the assignment in a single Word document.