Based on DeVany’s article one can see that there are many roles that managers play in an organization. Managing diversity could be one of the more critical aspects of their jobs. The research articles chosen for this post cover Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA), diversity identity management, and diversity management programs.

1.Based on DeVany’s article one can see that there are many roles that managers play in an organization. Managing diversity could be one of the more critical aspects of their jobs. The research articles chosen for this post cover Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA), diversity identity management, and diversity management programs. Michielsens, Bingam, and Clark explain that, “A diverse workforce is one that may provide competitive advantage and enhance organizational adaptability to changing marketplaces” (2014, p.51). Flexibility of managers and employees may increase the possibility of having a strong diverse workforce. What are your thoughts about the philosophical musings above? 2. There is no one management style that will fit each and every scenario. According to Mattox (2014) some believe diversity is organic whereas others believe it needs to be cultivated and maintained. Many also believe in a measurement system of diversity, but in reality, not al aspects of diversity can be measured statistically. However, measurement is an important piece of being able to support diversity. These measurements can include figures such as: hiring, termination, promotion and retention. In Addition, any management can do an impeccable job at encouraging, implementing and maintaining diversity, but having diverse teams as a member not a leader, the success of diversity heavily relies on the employees. Everyone has a responsibility to encourage and maintain diversity. To support diversity is to respect the differences others possess. Any thoughts on this? 4. 1. If you were looking at your organization through a relational system lens, how would you return that system to equilibrium following a crisis? 5. How do you think HR can support the restoration of any organization’s relational system should you experience a crisis? 6. Research and analysis of the human system provides insight on key factors used to strengthen the relational system of organizations. Communication, cohesion, and flexibility are some of these key factors that help lessen the impact of organizational crises (Khan, Barton, and Fellows, 2013). Disruptions in any one of these factors affects either system and causes relationship and operational disturbances that diminishes overall performance. The impact of relational system disturbances are dysfunctional patterns of behavior among individuals who pull away from a group, therefore weakening the structure. These disruptions become apparent through feelings of anxiety, fear, and the inability of individuals to respond effectively during a crisis. What do you think are other impacts of relational system disturbances?