
In light of the ***recent situation and to address the issue of Academic Integrity you are required to write a single spaced two page essay and address the following:

  1. What does Academic Integrity mean to you?


  1. What have you learned from this experience? (recent situation)


  1. How will you apply the principle of personal integrity to your future practice as a nurse?


  1. Please refer to the article below for ideas pertaining to Academic Integrity from both the Professor and Student’s perspective.

Your essay is to be written single spaced and two pages in length.

Section III: From Bill Taylor’s “A Letter to My Students”

What Academic Integrity Requires of Me (as the Professor) in This Area

With regard to exams, the principles of academic integrity require that I:

  • do my best during class time to prepare you for the exams,
  • be available during office hours or at arranged times to work with you individually to help you get ready for the exams,
  • develop exam questions that will be a meaningful test not only of the course content, but also of your ability to express and defend intelligent judgments about that content,
  • carefully monitor the exam so that honest students will not be disadvantaged by other students who might choose to cheat if given the opportunity, and

What Academic Integrity Requires of You in This Area

With regard to exams, the principles of academic integrity require you to:

  • come to class having done your best to prepare for the exam, including seeking my help if you need it,
  • make full use of the time available to give the best answers you can,
  • accept your limitations and not try to get around them by using cheat sheets, copying, or seeking help from another student,
  • not giving help to other students, or making it easy for them to copy off of you.


Taylor, B. (n.d.). Integrity: Academic and Political – A Letter to My Students. In Academic Integrity Articles. Retrieved January 9, 2009, from the Clemson University Center for Academic Integrity Web site:


***Recent situation: The instructor accidentally posted the exam # 1 on the Internet together with the PowerPoint presentation for that class, with ½ an hour before the exam.  Out of all the students that saw the exam posted, no one brought it to the instructor attention. The instructor found out 8 hours later about her mistake. As a consequence of the students’ academic dishonesty/integrity, the instructor has cancelled the exam, and on the following week she re-tests the students.