Human Security & World Disorder

4-6 pages (1200-1500 words)
12-point font; 1.5-2 line spacing, 1” margins
Use at least three peer-reviewed sources; no restrictions on the number of non-peer reviewed sources
Citation: You can choose APA or MLA formatting, but you must use one or the other.

Using our textbook and lectures as a starting point, answer both topics:

Discuss the “inhumanity” of the modern world in the 20th century
Describe a brief picture of the kind of inhumanity we are seeking to understand by referring to a 20th century atrocity
Discuss the reasons/causes/ enabling conditions of inhumanity (how is this possible?)

Discuss the place and possibility of ethics (how might we rescue and protect the ethical and the humane in Humanity?) in our modern 21st century world