Impact on Technology on Society


Social networking begun in 2002 with the advent of Friendster. MySpace, a social media platform which has received significant mass was bought by News Corp for a total of $580 million and Facebook later followed.

Thesis: In a world characterized by technology, social media has evidently taken over how people live their lives presently (Shaw 2014). The way the society presents itself, the way individuals take to each other have been evidently trapped behind technology screens. Technology and social media has made people and the society as a whole acts differently in order to attract attention. Individuals have become narcissistic in being better than others and this has turned the society into a competing ground.

Body 1: Identity transformation

People have changed from the past life of living a quiet and peaceful life into living a life of being noticed, being wanted, being loved, wanting to walk into a room and noticed by others, have your friends know what you had for lunch and so on. That is what technology in social media has done to the society.

1st sub point- Most people care about fame nowadays. It has become easier to gain fame in social media sources than to gain money, respect and class.

2nd sub point: When in a group, a person could be shy but once on a social media platform, you are not able to notice the exact shy person in the group.

2nd paragraph: Social media draws attention away

Users of technology particularly social media have the ability to link up with friends, share photos, updates and messages about their day to day lives.

1st sub point: Looking around campuses, it is common to find every student busy on their phones constantly checking on new updates.

2nd sub point: simple or rather face to face conversations have been replaced by messaging and people are unable to have a normal conversation without having to check their phones for updates.


Restating Thesis: In the present technology world, social media is evidently dictating how we live our lives. The way we talk, present ourselves to the world is all behind the screen. We change personalities while on social media and return to normal when in public.


Shaw, J. M. (2014). Illusions of Freedom: Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on Technology and the Human Condition. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.