Explain the institutional advantages of territorial rulers or 2)Explain the full model of Bates. (Sources: lectures, Bates), or 3)Explain the strategies of building as bargaining.

No plagiarism accepted it’s a turnitin.com paper. Please follow up the prompt and how to cite the lectures carefully it’s 50% of my whole grade. No late submission accepted. I attached 7 lectures power point and midterm essay prompt as well. I need a high quality paper. Please read everything carefully

Midterm ExamPOLI 120A: Political Development of Western Europe Instructions• (Noon).• You will be required to submit a digital copy of your paper to the Turnitin link on TritonEd. No hardcopy is necessary.Please retain a copy of your submission confirmation, in case there are any technicalissues with your submission.• All responses must be5 to 6 pagesin length.• Use standard formatting with:–Double spacing,–11 or 12 point font (Times, Helvetica, Calibri, etc.),–1 inch margins,–No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,–No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.• Please include the number of the prompt you are responding to.• Cite lecture and class readings where appropriate;–Include a bibliography and in-text citations,–You may use any standard citation style, (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.),*Please note that all style guides provide a format for citing lectures.–Please do not use outside sources,– Plagiarism will not be tolerated.• Please do not include pictures, charts, or figures in your responses. Please do not copy / paste scans oflecture notes into the text of your response.• Please stay on topic. Do not submit papers written for other courses.•You must turn your exam in by the deadline to receive full credit. Any late exams (even by 1 minute late)will incur a penalty.–Papers will be penalized by13of a letter grade for each day late (e.g., A–−→B+, etc.),–The system will not accept late submissions. •The TAs will not accept a screen shot of your document’s metadata as proof that you completedthe assignment on time. In order to receive full credit, you must both complete the paperandsubmitit prior to the deadline.• We recommend that you do not wait until the last minute to submit your exam, as you may encountertechnical difficulties with your submission. Such difficulties will not excuse a late submission.
PromptsChoose and respond tooneof the prompts below.
1. Explain the institutional advantages of territorial rulers
2. Explain the full model of Bates. (Sources: lectures, Bates)
3. Explain the strategies of building as bargaining.