Accounting Part 4: Product Costing and Capital Budgeting

Accounting Part 4: Product Costing and Capital Budgeting
1. Dyckman, Magee and Pfeiffer, Financial/Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers Accounting, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill; ISBN 978-1-61853-234-3. Chapters 17 and 24.
2. Additional readings lectures, notes and course materials are uploaded
3. Review and answers the assignments and discussions questions in Leung_A_GSBA520_W10 Assignments and discussions questions for assignment details.
Assignment 01: Chapter 17 Textbook Questions
The questions within this assignment are derived from your Dyckman textbook but will be submitted here. Below are the locations where the questions can be found in your textbook.
• Answer E17-21
• Answer E17-30
Assignment 02: Chapter 24 Textbook Questions
The questions within this assignment are derived from your Dyckman textbook but will be submitted here. Below are the locations where the questions can be found in your textbook.
• Answer M24-15
• Answer M24-19
Discussion 01: Chapter 17
Post your response and reply to at least one classmate’s post
Complete the following tasks as they relate to the scenario above:
1. Describe how you would determine the cost of goods sold and the value of any ending inventory for financial reporting purposes (no computations are required).
2. You have just received an inquiry from Mall-Mart department stores to develop and manufacture 20 special designs for a sale exclusively in Mall-Mart stores. The card would be sold for $1.50 each, and Mall-Mart would pay Friendly Greetings $0.35 per card. The initial order is for 20,000 cards of each design. If the cards sell well, Mall-Mart plans to place additional orders for these and other designs. Because of the pre-established sales relationship, no marketing costs would be associated with the cards sold to Mall-Mart. How would you evaluate the desirability of the Mall-Mart proposal?
3. Explain any differences between the cost considered in your answer to requirement (1) and the costs considered in your answer to requirement (2).
Discussion 02: Chapter 24
Post your response and reply to at least one classmate’s post
Using the equations and tables in Appendix 24a of Chapter 24, determine the answers to each of the following independent situations:
1. The future value in two years of $5,000 invested today in a certificate of deposit with interest compounded annually at 10%.
2. The present value of $6,000 to be received in five years, discounted at 8%.
3. The present value of an annuity of $15,000 per year for four years discounted at 12%.
4. An initial investment of $29,480 is to be returned in six equal annual payments. Determine the amount of each payment if the interest rate is 16%.
5. A proposed investment will provide cash flows of $6,000, $8,000, and $20,000 at the end of Years 1, 2, 3, respectively. Using a discount rate of 16%, determine the present values of these cash flows.
6. Find the present value of an investment that will pay $6,000 at the end of Years 8, 9, 10. Use a discount rate of 12%.