Design a Project which incorporates all facets of implementing an EMR.

• You are newly hired Nurse Informaticist at a small Critical Access Hospital. You previously worked for a large multi-hospital/clinic health system who has been “electronic” for 10 years now. Seeing the need to meet federal guidelines, you have decided that the critical access hospital needs an Electronic Medical Record. Your goal is to bring the hospital paper order entry system to a full-fledged electronic medical record. Statistics: No. of Hospitals: 1 No of Eligible Professionals (i.e. Eligible for Meaningful Use): 150 No of FTEs (Full Time Equivalents) under your leadership: 20. Average FTE Salary is 45,000/year. Budget: 5 million Design a Project which incorporates all facets of implementing an EMR. First you must convince the CEO by presenting ALL FACETS of Meaningful Use and the value of implementing an EMR to this rural hospital. (See assignment of providing excel sheet on financial incentives of Meaningful Use). Describe some of the regulatory nature surrounding electronic health record use and why it is important to implement now rather than later. — i.e. What is your rationale for implementing an EMR? What are the various benefits and risks of implementing and not implementing an EHR in a timely fashion. Second, you will need to select a company who sells certified Electronic Health Record software and present this to the CEO. Provide an EHR of your choice and give rationale for selecting the EMR (background, Costs, benefits). Next – develop a Project Vision, Project Scope, Project Timeline, Project Budget. Third, Once the project is implemented and launched, describe the metrics you are capturing to satisfy meaningful use (Core Objectives, etc). The total presentation should be a 10 page report in APA format