Social Media in the Classroom

ED 504: Proposal 2 Grading Rubric Student name: Final grade: Turnitin: Element Target Acceptable Unacceptable Comments APA (10 points) – Format of the paper – Reference page – Sources referenced correctly on reference page – Table of contents – Abstract No or very few minor problems (9-10 points) Minimal problems throughout the paper (7 – 8.9 points) Failure to use APA consistently in paper (0 – 6.9 points Points awarded: Revisions to part 1 (10 points) All problems were addressed and correctly revised (10) Most problems with proposal 1 were addressed and most were revised correctly (4-9) Very minimal if any attempt at correct revisions (0-3 points) Points awarded: Chapter 3 (65 points) – all required sections included and contained in specified headings – Each required section is thoroughly and correctly discussed – Graduate level writing; spelling/grammar/punctuation – Third person (no “I”, “we”) – Future tense – Instruments and other necessary information properly referenced in body of paper – Appendices correctly referenced if applicable – Proper citations included in reference list No or very few minor problems (59-65 points) Minimal problems (30-58 points) Failure to comply to most requirements (0-29 points) Points awarded: Appendices (15 points) – 3 appendices minimum – Consent form – Permission to conduct study (business letter, block format) – All instruments described and/or included (if you create your own instrument this section should contain 1-2 sample questions per instrument. No or very few minor problems (14-15 points) Minimal problems (9-13) Failure to comply to requirements (0 – 12 points) Points awarded: Turnitin • Failure to submit is an automatic 10 points reduction • Papers with high similarity = reduced points • Papers with extreme similarity = grade of zero Late paper • 15 points per day late penalty