business plan

A Business Plan has many different sections. Each section explains an important part of your business idea. The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop a better understanding of the various components of a business plan. Of course, if you were developing a business plan for a real business idea, your document would be 50+ pages long. For the purposes of this assignment, you only need to demonstrate that you know what information needs to be included in two particular sections of a business plan. In addition, you will not be required to complete the typical level of detail required for a formal business plan. This is your opportunity to think like an entrepreneur! Think of an idea that you have for a new health care organization or service. For this written assignment, you are required to write a 1-page Service Desсrіption (excluding the header) and a 1-page Income Statement (excluding assumptions) for your organization or service. Your assignment should not exceed these page limits. Because this course is not an accounting course, your Income Statement section can reflect only Operating Income (Revenue, Expenses, Operating Income), in the same manner that you completed last week′s budget GHA. In order to complete the financial portion of this assignment, you will need to make some assumptions. In order to make these assumptions, you will need to complete some basic research. Be sure to clearly identify every assumption that you make and provide the source of the information. I encourage you to keep your financial statement simple! It is better to be simple and correct, then complicated and wrong. 🙂 To help guide your business planning process, you should refer to Exhibit 23-2: Basic Information for the Service or Equipment Desсrіption and Exhibit 23-6: Basic Assumptions for Business Plan Income Statement Projections as a guide for your work. You can also refer back to the answer key for the Operating Budget that you last week and Table 15-4: Static Budget Example for an Open Imaging Center (p. 182). Caution: If you choose to look on the internet for business plan samples, be sure to avoid acts of plagiarism!! Every assignment will be checked with Safe Assign. Preventing Frequently Made Academic Writing Errors: o Avoid using the first person (I, me, my, we, etc.) in professional and academic writing. o Avoid using contractions. Instead of “don’t” use “do not”. Instead of “can’t” use “cannot”. I look forward to reading all of your wonderful ideas and well-crafted explanations.