methods of interpretation of the hebrew bible

scholars of the Bible use various methods to interpret it. On pages xi-xii of your Carr & Conway text (see below) there are fifteen such methods listed. Reread carefully all of them and choose the three that you can argue make the most important or the most effective or the most valuable contributions to biblical exegesis (critical explanation or interpretation of a text). This requires an argument so you need to decide what is or are the most important, effective or valuable things to know in life and which three methods provide this better than the other twelve. Typically your introductory paragraph will explain briefly this essential thing to know and then in a thesis statement argue, for example, A, B and C are the best methods for showing D (insert your essential item[s]). This will be followed by three paragraphs proving what you say is valid. For the finished paper, worth 10% of your final grade, you must have a title that suggests your thesis and not simply the assignment. For examples, “Reflection Paper” is NOT a proper title. Type using Times New Roman font, size 12. Double-space (not 1.5 spacing). Include page numbers. Minimum five pages; maximum seven pages, not including Works Cited List. Use MLA for in-text citations and the Works Cited page. Do not provide a cover page. Use MLA first page rules (