Legal Assignment on APPLE INC.

Investors need to understand how legal protections and risks might influence the company’s future. In this work it will be important to thoroughly research the implications of any legal matters affecting the firm. Next come the decisions on how to handle informing the potential investors. This is not time to overwhelm the client with a litany of all legal situations. Much to the contrary, effective performance depends on careful interpretation of the implications and deciding which are worthy of explanation, observation and conclusion. Research and investigation should cover areas like: Applicable and pending laws and regulations Industry legal risks Lawsuits Labor collective bargaining Trademark and copyright Long term contracts Citations for compliance issues (Federal, State & Local, SEC, FDA, EPA, etc.) International Trade Law Patents & their timing Remember that topic papers are about digging into the full spectrum of potentially relevant data and information and then deciding what is commonplace and what rises to the level of “need to know” for the prospective investor. The focus of your written work is on the “need to know” aspects vs. background material. Written Assignment: Submit a 3-4 page paper of approximately 1000 words on Legal by your selected firm (Font: Times New Roman; Size: 12; Line Spacing: multiple 1.15; Paragraph Spacing Before and After: 0 pt; Document Name (your last and first name and topic): Smith_John_Legal). Paper to identify and answer: “What would an investor need to know for making an investment decision?” and determine “What specific information and analysis would help the investor make an informed decision?”.