Columbus and Christianity

I already chose Christopher Columbus so I have to write about him. And one of our course themes that I want to use for this essay is ″Conversion, Mission and Power″. I will attach my ″Conversion, mission and power″ note below. Professor really didnt talk about Columbus so as long as I add what my professor said about Columbus, I can add whatever I want. I will write what my professor said about Columbus as much as I remember. Like almost every other religion, one of the primary goals of Christianity is to spread this religion to as many people and many areas as possible. Christians believed that it was almost a duty of theirs to spread and convert people of other cultures and nations to become a member of the “correct” religion and live as a superior being. They viewed any other civilizations to not only be inferior, but perhaps more barbaric or chaotic. For the sake of bringing the word of Jesus and God’s love to various indigenous tribes in smaller and for the most part, underdeveloped areas, many Christians were willing to use any violent way to arguably force a new religion on these indigenous people. Columbus was one of them. His purpose of going to new areas wasn’t to convert the indigenous people, but it was still important to him.