
Length: 1500 words in MLA format (Times New Roman 12″ font, 1″ margins, double-spaced)



Preferred formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, .odt (pretty much anything other than .pages)


For your first assignment, you are asked to write an argumentative paper in the Classical Oration style which answers the following question: Is gentrification good? You may answer this question however you wish. Your paper must have a thesis which focuses and drives the paper. Your introduction should clearly provide the facts and background information on the topic. Your thesis should also clearly state your position and rationale for that position. After presenting your argument, you should cogently refute any counterarguments to the best of your ability.


You are also asked to use at least one but no more than four outside sources in your paper. It is recommended that you use at least one reading from class towards your sources (though you are welcome to have all four sources come from class readings).


1.“Why Suburbia Sucks” (

2.Osman “Gentrification in the United States”

3.Feldman “Gentrification, Urban Displacement, and Affordable Housing (

4.Vives “A Community in Flux” (


-Please use at least 2 of the article use all 4 if you think you can make it work thank you