Comparison/contrast Essay

Comparison/contrast essay. Write an essay showing the X is/is not like Y on the basis of specific points. Choose one of the following topics for an essay developed by comparison and/or contrast. The topic on which you decide should be something you care about so that the comparison and contrast is a means of communicating an idea or clarifying a choice, not an end in itself. In selecting a topic, consider (1) what your purpose will be; (2) whether you will emphasize similarities or differences; (3) what specific points you will discuss, include, or use in order to explain, clarify, or point out; (4) what organizational pattern will best suit your purpose, i.e. divided or alternating; and (5) your audience. Outside of personal or anecdotal supporting elements, use third person P.O.V. Your paper must include at least 1 reference or citation. Use MLA format for documentation and your ″Work Cited″ page. Be sure your readers see the significance or your comparison. Have a clear basis of comparison that includes no more than 3 areas/points. 1. Compare and/or contrast 2 fictional characters. (For example: Batman/Superman) 2. Write a paper comparing 2 activities. (For example: going to the movies/renting a video) 3. Write an essay comparing 2 distinctly disparate styles of art or entertainment. (For example: don′t try to compare soccer to American Football. Focus in on a more specific area related to both sports-equipment, rules, fan base, or techniques.) 4. Compare 2 movies-the original and its remake. 5. Compare 2 attitudes, beliefs, or philosophies. These can be 2 inherently different attitudes, beliefs, or philosophies or 1 attitude, belief, or philosophy which has changed over a period of time.