INTERVIEW TOPIC: STRESS in Families Today CD 115-STRESS in Families Today- Interview Assignment F2017.docxPreview the documentView in a new window Please request an interview with an individual– making sure the individual is comfortable sharing information about the topic you have selected. The interview should take between 30 and 45 minutes, so please schedule in advance. You are to submit your paper in class or upload your paper in CANVAS by November 13. I. Write a paragraph with the person’s name and provide some information on why you chose this person. II. Interview Questions: 1.Could you share with me a bit about your family you grew up in, including the adults and children in the home? 2.Could you share with me your current family situation – how many children you have? Their ages? 3.Please describe any stress you are experiencing now, or have experienced in the past, related to raising your children. 4.Please describe any stress you are experiencing now, or have experienced in the past, related to housing for your family. 5.Please describe any stress you are experiencing now, or have experienced in the past, related to the responsibilities of work and the responsibilities of family. 6.Please describe any stress you have experienced due to finances. 7.Please describe any stress you have experienced related to extended family. 8.When looking for help and support, what resources do you find the most helpful? (family, friends, community?) 9.Hopefully, you found support, but were there any individuals or groups that were discouraging or un-helpful? 10.What guidance or suggestions would you make to someone who asked what you think works best to minimize stress? III. Personal Reaction Write a desсrіption of your thoughts and ideas. What did you learn about the stress experienced in families today? Explain the information you think would be helpful to others?