Romantic Relationships and Technology

Read an article “Does Media Distort Love?” found in “Resources” folder. Integrate the topics related to
Intimacy and interpersonal communication.
Paper Requirements:
In a 5-6 page essay (i.e. thesis, argument supporting or refuting thesis) using one of the
theories/paradigms you have read in class, prove your position based on theory/theories. You may need
further research about theories and concepts.
Make sure to explain the theory briefly.
Possible Theories/Paradigms:
Social Exchange Theory
Social Penetration Theory
Model of Interaction Stages
Interpersonal Needs
Uncertain Reduction Theory
Predicted Outcome Theory
Equity Theory
Questions you must answer:
1. What is your position of the idea, “Can technology and media aid intimacy?” Do you agree or
2. Prove your position based on theory/theories.
Sections to Include in Your Paper:
** See writing tips under “resources” folder.
1. Introduction/Statement of the Problem
Start with a hook. Brief summary of the article. Also include the relevance of this topic
to interpersonal communication. List your Thesis Statement here!
2. Application of your position to theory/theories
Here’s where you take your learnings and apply a real life situation to theory/theories
Explain why you agree or disagree with the idea of “Can technology and media aid
intimacy?” using theory/theories.
3. Conclusion
General roundup (not an abstract at the end) that reinforces the importance of the
topic to the world, as well as, how your paper helps to reach that end.
COMG 181 WI | 2
Formal Academic Writing Basic Requirement:
– 12 font, Times New Roman
– Double Spaced
– One Inch Margins
– Cite appropriately using APA style. E.g., (Knapp, 2014, p. 115).
– Avoid colloquialisms and the first person. Try to be formal, but natural.
Grading Criteria
 Content: Respond to questions
 Ideas: Well-developed thoughts
 Writing style: Clear and well organized
 Grammar: Punctuation & Spelling
 Formatting: Length, page formatting, Page #
 Late assignment will not be accepted