Organisational Leadership and Values

Identify a key values-based challenge that an organisation is facing (or has faced), which requires a strategic organisational response to address. Design, formulate or conceptualise a strategy that will enable the organisation to overcome (hopefully) this key challenge. Provide:
1. An account of the organisation and the key values-based challenge it is facing (or has faced);
2. Using rich pictures (or other conceptual tools), illustrate how this key values-based challenge manifests in undesirable organisational beliefs, norms and behaviours, as well as cultural features;
3. Identify leverage points for addressing this key values-based challenge and propose remedial actions (e.g. through – but not restricted to – organisational design) for obtaining alignment between the organisation’s espoused values and enacted values (and consequently, behaviours and organisational culture);
4. Propose a process of engagement through which these remedial actions can be effected throughout the organisation.

Other instructions:
1. Please read the must do’s for my essay and double check that you have ticked them all prior to submission. This is section 2 of the word document instructions I have uploaded.
2. Read the marking rubric. This is section 3 of the word document.
3. Please just browse through the course contents so that you understand the breadth and limits of the contents we have covered during the course. Course content starts from page 10 of the outline.
4. This essay requires the inclusion of a causal loop diagram, please refer to the attachment called “causal loop diagrams systems dynamics…” in order to familiarize yourself with which diagram I am referring to and how my lecturer wants the diagram done.
5. The school is very strict with referencing, Section 4 of the instructions has an example of well-done APA referencing.
6. I have attached the lecturers presentations for sessions 2-8 incase you might find them helpful.