The research should demonstrate way politicians present and discuss the ethical and moral issues of euthanasia and physician’s assisted suicide. Discuss the medical procedures involved with both and stress the complexity of the issue. Next, discuss how politicians discuss life issues, in particular, the two aforementioned matters. Following discuss, what ways do their presentation and explanation demonstrate or not the complexity of the issues?

Each student must write one fifteen- to twenty-five double-spaced page research paper analyzing some important topic in political science

1) This research paper should address some important question or problem in the study of politics or government and should accumulate evidence to answer that question;

2) This research paper should have a scholarly tone, make an argument, and test that argument in such a way that it might be persuasive to a broad range of readers.

3) This paper must include in some significant degree some original research utilizing primary source material. That is, the paper should not simply be a book report that synthesizes the arguments of several scholars in the field. IN ADDITION TO ADDRESSING THE LITERATURE, the paper should analyze primary sources (e.g., elections returns, speeches, platforms, voting surveys, public opinion polls, roll call votes, committee proceedings, court cases, government documents, Federal Election Commission data, etc.) in order to answer or, at least, shed light on these questions. Students confused as to what constitutes primary source material should consult the Professor.

Paper Proposal:
The Discussion and Existence of Life Issues in the Political Arena

For my research topic, I propose to study the manner in which politicians present and discuss the ethical and moral issues of euthanasia and physician’s assisted suicide. I will begin by explaining in detail both life-ending procedures in a medical context in an effort for the reader to have the best understanding of the matters being examined. I will present the complexity and severity of both of these issues such as the mental and psychological toll such a significant decision has on a patient along with their loved ones. In addition, I will discuss the severity of the illnesses patients who qualify for these procedures are suffering from detailing their deterring health as well as quality of life due to the terminal illness they are suffering from.
After I have presented euthanasia and physician’s assisted suicide in a way that demonstrates their medical intensity as well as the overwhelming situation a patient is experiencing while debating to be a candidate for either procedure, I will present how politicians discuss life issues in particular the two aforementioned matters. Through my research, I seek to find how politicians discuss controversial and sensitive topics such as life issues in particular euthanasia and physician’s assisted suicide. In what ways does their presentation and explanation shed light on the complexity and severity of the issues and in what way or in what instances does it lack the necessary complexity? Does the discussion of such issues with a lack of complexity strip them of their importance or does it make the issue easier for constituents to understand and therefore form a fairly educated opinion regarding the matter?
Following the presentation of the life issues such as euthanasia and physician’s assisted suicide from a detailed scientific and medical perspective, then moving to discuss the difficulty it poses as a psychological issue to all parties intimately involved with the case including the patient, their family and loved ones along with their medical team, and finally discussing the way in which politicians explain and discuss the issues, I will broaden the paper’s discussion to consider all life issues including abortion, the death penalty and stem cell research involving embryos.
I will present medical cases in which euthanasia and physician’s assisted suicide have been implored. I will also site policies regarding life issues. I also hope to find debates that discussed these issues.