An investigation into how the science and engineering curriculum in higher education institutions supports undergraduates to enter the testing and certification industry in Hong Kong upon graduation

I would like to request the writing service on the followings:
Document 1: (expect to have 3000 words)
1. To address the comments (right hand side) and revise the corresponding paragraphs .
2. Re-write the paragraphs in section 4.1 (Data analysis procedures) for the phase 1 to phase 6. As I simply copy from other thesis for my quick reference only, in order to avoid plagiarism, pls help to rewrite this section but still maintain the concept. (~1300 words)
3. For section 4.3( Findings from Semi-interview results and themes), pls extend this section by incorporating the interview results from Employer C.
Document 2: (expect to have 500 words)
1. Since one of the theme identified is Training which no longer as “Learning”. Pls help to re-write the paragraph as “Training” by literature review.