One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

1. Be written in third person objective.
2. Be properly formatted, cited, and documented using MLA conventions. This includes in-text citations!
3. All grammar and spelling errors should be fixed by your final draft.

4. Have a clear thesis and strong supporting evidence.
5. Use a minimum of 3 sources.
6. Any claim you make should be supported either with evidence from the text of the poem(lines should be cited), and/or backed up by a secondary source.

7. The body of your paper must follow the order of your thesis statement.
8. Your paper must look at not only WHAT the author is saying, but HOW the author is saying it. This will be the focus of your thesis statement. This paper must discuss the figurative meaning of the poem, as well as the technical aspects that add to the figurative meaning. For example, is it the form of the poem that adds to the meaning? Is there a certain type of imagery or metaphor throughout the poem(such as metaphors/imagery with household objects, nature, etc.)?
9. Your conclusion should restate your strongest points, and the significance they add to your paper. The “So What?” question should be in mind throughout your paper.