Values and assumptions

Values are our guidelines for living and behavior. Each of us has a set of deeply held beliefs about the way the world should be. What do you value? Where do your most important values come from?are these trustworthy sources? Are some of your value preferences more resistant to change than others?why? Explore a value in your core belief system. Tell a story about an experience in your life that shaped your core values. For example, this could be a story about how your parents raised you, about an experience in a school or classroom setting that molded your thinking, or a life experience that caused your values to shift, transform or change from your upbringing or how you have been taught. Reflect on the experience you shared in your story. How have these core beliefs served you in your life? How do you keep sight of your vision, principles, and values in your life and or work? Is there anything you would change about your values and beliefs now? Esaay should be double spaced, and must have a thesis and also a creative title.