Community Health Assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to create a Community Health Assessment. The assessment is to be created by the student – based on problems, solutions, issues, and trends that exist within a certain population. The assessment must be 5 full pages. Students will work individually on this assignment. Examples of the population chosen can be a geographic one (i.e.: Atlanta, GA) or a health issue specific one (i.e.: diabetics). Whether a geography or a health issue is chosen, the student must provide a background as to why that community of people is being chosen — write about the problems the community faces in health and the solutions to those problems (all based on literature).
Page 1* – Community Health Assessment overview: location, population, background, purpose for choosing community
i.e.: who, what, when, where
Pages 2 and 3* – Community Health problems
ie: challenges, obstacles, issues, population implications, etc.
Page 4 and – Community Health solutions
ie: lessons learned, improvements, changes, resolutions, results, etc.
Your paper must contain the following:
– At least two references from peer-reviewed journal articles. Note: Wikipedia is not an approved source.
– Please format your paper as follows: 12 pt. Times New Roman font; double spaced. Please ensure you only utilize normal Word formatted margins.
– Please format your sources in APA format.