Research Methods for Management Studies

1. Individual Coursework covering Qualitative Methods
i. Length: 3,000 words
ii. Weight: 50%
iii. Deadline: Wednesday April 10, 2019 at 3.00 pm
2. Examination covering Quantitative Methods
i. Answer 2 questions out of 4. In the exam paper you will be offered a choice over which questions to answer. If you supply answers in excess of the number requested, the excess answers will not be marked. In such cases the ordering of the questions as listed by you on the front of the answer book or, if you do not supply such a list, the order in which they appear inside the answer booklet, will be used to determine which answers will be marked.
ii. Duration: 2 hours
iii. Weight: 50%

Assignment Notes & FAQ

A few additional notes on the assignment:
1. This is a master’s level assignment: this is not about finding and then copying down the right answer but rather about you deriving those answers from a range of materials and your own critical thinking. We are not exclusively asking you to remember facts and basic concepts or to demonstrate understanding of the module topics. More importantly, we place emphasis on you applying theory on methodology, analysing the chosen paper using your understanding of methodology, and evaluating the chosen paper and the applicability of your broader knowledge around these topics;
2. We advise you refer to the text book chapters, additional reading and any further references in those chapters/readings to facilitate your wider reading and learning regarding the specific methodologies used in the article you choose to analyse;
3. No examples of the assignment are available because this is the first year this module is taught. In previous years, the Research Methods module was structured and assessed differently;
4. The module outline contains a full brief on the required contents, structure, and criteria for the coursework. Please familiarize yourself with that and ensure you follow those instructions;
5. Make sure you also reference or quote the chosen article following the Harvard Style guide.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: How do I meet requirement X of the coursework? How do I write section X of the coursework? Etc.
A: As this is what we are marking, you will need to use your knowledge of the topics we covered, do wider reading (see note 2 above) and closely read the coursework brief to devise a good way to meet the requirements and put together the assignment.
Q2: What is the difference between ‘methodological approach’ and ‘research design’?
A2: Research design refers to the specific techniques for the collection and analysis of data (‘methods’ as we discussed in the lectures) while research approach refers to broader methodological choices (so research strategy, philosophy and further considerations informing the approach to research).1. Individual Coursework covering Qualitative Methods
i. Length: 3,000 words
ii. Weight: 50%
iii. Deadline: Wednesday April 10, 2019 at 3.00 pm
2. Examination covering Quantitative Methods
i. Answer 2 questions out of 4. In the exam paper you will be offered a choice over which questions to answer. If you supply answers in excess of the number requested, the excess answers will not be marked. In such cases the ordering of the questions as listed by you on the front of the answer book or, if you do not supply such a list, the order in which they appear inside the answer booklet, will be used to determine which answers will be marked.
ii. Duration: 2 hours
iii. Weight: 50%

Assignment Notes & FAQ

A few additional notes on the assignment:
1. This is a master’s level assignment: this is not about finding and then copying down the right answer but rather about you deriving those answers from a range of materials and your own critical thinking. We are not exclusively asking you to remember facts and basic concepts or to demonstrate understanding of the module topics. More importantly, we place emphasis on you applying theory on methodology, analysing the chosen paper using your understanding of methodology, and evaluating the chosen paper and the applicability of your broader knowledge around these topics;
2. We advise you refer to the text book chapters, additional reading and any further references in those chapters/readings to facilitate your wider reading and learning regarding the specific methodologies used in the article you choose to analyse;
3. No examples of the assignment are available because this is the first year this module is taught. In previous years, the Research Methods module was structured and assessed differently;
4. The module outline contains a full brief on the required contents, structure, and criteria for the coursework. Please familiarize yourself with that and ensure you follow those instructions;
5. Make sure you also reference or quote the chosen article following the Harvard Style guide.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: How do I meet requirement X of the coursework? How do I write section X of the coursework? Etc.
A: As this is what we are marking, you will need to use your knowledge of the topics we covered, do wider reading (see note 2 above) and closely read the coursework brief to devise a good way to meet the requirements and put together the assignment.
Q2: What is the difference between ‘methodological approach’ and ‘research design’?
A2: Research design refers to the specific techniques for the collection and analysis of data (‘methods’ as we discussed in the lectures) while research approach refers to broader methodological choices (so research strategy, philosophy and further considerations informing the approach to research).v