transparent pricing and its effect on consumer value perception

General remark: I miss referencing. For example when there is a statement that previous research shows / not show/ study…. there should be referencing to those studies. Otherwise its no ground.


There are three mediators, not two: perceived fairness, price underestimation, and processing disfluency.

…. When price underestimation mediates the impact of transparent pricing onperceived value, retailers are likely to get negative response from consumers, especially when they increase prices of their products. – Im not sure this is correct statement.


Again, its focused too much on fairness. Each chapter can be max 5 pages, less is ok. And within those pages for theory chapter we need definitions of all variables, and hypothesis development. Hypothesis are in the data file next to the model. Please use those.

Well, missing parts. I believe writer is still working on those.
07/08/2018 2:20 AM draft comments How many times I need to say its three mediators not two? Its not enough referencing and sources….
Hypothesis are all there: h1a and h1b need to be as separate hypotheses not as only h1…. it makes a big difference!

7/4 5AM
Thank you for the update.
The draft looks better and better. Thank you once again. I appreciate a lot what you do.
I would like to have the final draft from you as soon as possible.

7/18/2018 3PM: Please proceed with revising, I have about 24 hours

30/07/18 10:14 am – Draft Feedback
General, please avoid passive voice. In general guidelines it is mentioned you should use active voice as it makes the paper easier to read.

1. independent variable is Binary,
The rest of the variables in the model are Interval, not Ordinal. They were measured using Likertvscale, multiple items, if you did it well, you used the average score then. The result is you can treat them as scale in spss.

2.I mentioned already previously that
You cant and Shouldnt measure assosiation between Binary and interval variables using pearson correlation.
Please use t test instead, or spearmans correlation… thats basic statistics….

3. As i said before ….About the mediator Price Underestimation.
If people underestimate the price it should increase perceived value. Not decrease it!
Product has a value to consumer. Price is a cost. The higher the price the higher the cost is. That means lower perceived value.
In the draft its wierd relationship…