Community Health Concern

This project is going to require you to identify a specific health concern within your own community. Search LaGrande, Oregon. Your goal is to identify a health need within your community that you feel should be brought to the attention of someone specific (private individuals, congressional members, industry, state agencies, EOU campus community, church communities, etc.). The first assignment should help you identify the major health concerns within your community.

Specifically, for this assignment, you will:
Investigate a community health problem and its social consequences. What is the issue and why is it an issue?
Identify the magnitude of the problem (provide up-to-date statistics explaining who and how many individuals are affected)
Identify the consequences of the problem. Why is the problem a concern and what are the specific risk factors for this issue?
How is it affecting your community? You will report statistic from the literature. You will need to do an extensive literature review to build your case. What are the social consequences and economic impacts within your community?
What is being done, what can still be done?
Identify relevant information to develop an argument regarding the need to address a community health problem (how prevalent it is, why is it so bad, who is it affecting, what can be done, who is doing it, social burden and consciousness)
How to fix the issue. Addressed the steps that need to be taken to fix the issue within your community. Setting goals and priorities as well as identifying the types of resources that will be needed to fix the issue should be included.

Develop a paper that presents research identifying the magnitude of the health problem

Use Peer-reviewed articles to make your argument (PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar). Internet sources or secondary sources do not count. Avoid any statements, such as, “I think, or I feel.” This is a scientific paper and it needs to be professional.

Thoroughly research your topic and prepare 10 – 15-page research paper, double-spaced with 12 pt font.

Use library database sources – at least 10 credible peer-reviewed citations from 2008 or newer.

Provide a detailed reference list in correct APA format. The paper needs to be in APA format. APA citation and format

Here is a wonderful resource that was created by a librarian specifically to help you all with this assignment.

Presentation of your final paper:
Present the health issue described in your research paper to your classmates. You will need to post your presentation to the discussion board and your classmates will need to respond.
Develop presentation between 10 – 20 slides, persuading your classmates to take action regarding your health issue- I chose extra pages in the order option to pay for this. The original paper needs to be 10-15 pages. This is an extra 10-20 pages.
Slides need to be well organized and include references.
Do not just copy and paste your paper.
Please let me know the topic of the paper by day 12. Thank you