Identical Strangers Article Review

View the following article/video from Newsweek publication.

This exercise involves a story that has recently been in the news although it was first discovered nearly 4 decades ago. There is a documentary that was recently released by the same title- some of you may have seen it. This brief article gives the basics of this story. There are many additional articles, videos, etc., that can be located with a quick search.

Write a 3-page paper that answers the following questions:

1. Explain the basics of this ethical dilemma. Be sure to include: Who all was involved? When and where did this occur?

2. Was there anything that could have prevented this from occurring?

3. Identify at least 2 (two) ethical principles that were violated as they apply to this case.

4. What are your personal opinions about this case and what can/ should be done? Was it justified in the name of research?