Ambiguous Loss and it’s impact on children

Please label each of these sections and use these references for the essay. Also, use the concepts of grief therapy from the readings as well.

a. Please define ambiguous loss

b. Discuss two of the major concepts of grief therapy.

c. Discuss the positive and/or negative impact of this type of therapy with military children who have “ambiguous ” loss.

LaMorie, J. H. (2012). Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom: Exploring wartime death and bereavement. In J. Beder (Ed.). Advances in Social Work Practice with the Military. New York, NY: Routledge. Ch. 12, pp. 180-198.

Ben-Asher, S. & Shalev, R. (2011). Ambiguous loss: the long-term effects on the children of POWs. Journal of Loss & Trauma, 16(6): 511-528.

Kaplan, R. D. (2011). The wounded home front. The American Interest, (Winter, January/February): 124-127.