Your historical analysis should be focused on what the film portrayed that was accurate and what was historically inaccurate in the film. It is acceptable to use outside sources to double-check (for example, I am watching a film about the Civil War and someone is on the telegraph.

During the course of this semester, you will watch a couple of films that I have selected for you and write historical critiques of the films.
We will watch the films in class. If you miss either day, I will provide you the name of the film and you will have to watch it on your own time.

You may want to begin with a paragraph about the historical setting the film is supposed to portray but plot summary is NOT what this paper is about, so be brief on this part.


Your historical analysis should be focused on what the film portrayed that was accurate and what was historically inaccurate in the film. It is acceptable to use outside sources to double-check (for example, I am watching a film about the Civil War and someone is on the telegraph. I cannot remember the year the telegraph was invented, so I might look that up.) BE SURE TO GIVE CREDIT FOR ALL OF THE PLACES WHERE YOU DOUBLE-CHECKED/GOT INFORMATION!!! OTHERWISE, YOU ARE PLAIGARIZING WHICH RESULTS IN GRADE OF 0!!!!

You will not be provided notes, but you can take notes focusing on a specific aspect of two in the film instead of trying to talk about everything.

The paper should be MLA format and 500-750 words long. (This is 2-3 pages)

Remember to italicize the titles of movies.

It must include a Works Cited page including the film & any place where you found information. This could be the textbook, a reputable website, or a book, etc.

(See the separate instructions on how to write a proper Works Cited page using MLA format.)



The paper will be turned in to Dropbox from our class D2L page. The deadline is a “hard deadline” and late papers will not be accepted for any reason.

Do not submit a hard copy of the paper.