Part I – Essay Questions (Please answer all of the following questions in the following order. 1. (5 points) Explain the concept of sourcing. What makes one source more effective than others? 2. (10 points) Social media has opened up many non-traditional avenues of sourcing. Today approximately 89% of U.S. companies are using social networking to recruit. Two of the newest recruitment sources are Twitter and Pinterest (See Week Three Video and Week Three Discussion Mix). Explain how and when each should be used. (As this is worth 10 points, an in-depth response is expected when discussing each source). 3. (10 points) Sourcing different types of applicant — There are many types of applicants that an employer might source for many different reasons. In this section, you will discuss the following two:

Part I – Essay Questions (Please answer all of the following questions in the following order.

1. (5 points) Explain the concept of sourcing. What makes one source more effective than others?

2. (10 points) Social media has opened up many non-traditional avenues of sourcing. Today approximately 89% of U.S. companies are using social networking to recruit. Two of the newest recruitment sources are Twitter and Pinterest (See Week Three Video and Week Three Discussion Mix). Explain how and when each should be used. (As this is worth 10 points, an in-depth response is expected when discussing each source).

3. (10 points) Sourcing different types of applicant — There are many types of applicants that an employer might source for many different reasons. In this section, you will discuss the following two:

a. Generation Yers (the Millenials) who born from 1980-1995 are hitting the job market in full force (See Video). How would you attract these applicants? What would your message be? Be detailed. Discuss which sources you would use to recruit this group. Support your answers.

b. Baby boomers (1946-1964). What are some advantages of hiring each of these older workers? What would your message to them be? Discuss which sources you would use to recruit this group. Support your answers.

4. Recruitment (15 points)

a. Define the term “recruitment.”
o A great way for an employer to differentiate itself in the competitive market for quality talent is to enhance its image, also known as its “employer brand.” Explain employer branding. Why is it important to the recruitment effort?
b. Based on the video, “Jim’s Dilemma Part 2 – Employer Branding,” explain and give examples of each of the four elements (4Ps) of branding. (See Week Three Videos)
c. Based on the video, “Building Your Employer Brand: A Strategic Approach to Recruitment and Retention” (also included in the Jim’s dilemma Part 2), how would you use the four steps in strategic employer branding explained in the video to develop and implement this brand image?

5. Big Data (10 points)
a. Explain the concept of “big data.” Discuss several examples of ways it can be helpful to HR professionals.
b. In the article on big data that you read in week two, Bob Bennett, Chief Learning Officer and VP of HR for FedEx Corp. said, “I try not to use the term ‘big data.’ It scares people away.” Develop a plan to help employee overcome this fear of “big data.” Be sure that you plan is well thought-out with a series of steps.

you should answer in question format. Number each question and answer them in the order provided. Do not worry about APA format, but please proofread for grammar and spelling.