Medicinal Cannabis Project

Due date Week 7 submit online, 10.00 pm Thursday April 11th 2019
Weighting 40%
Type Report; Individual
Length 2,500-3,000 words
Submission Online via Blackboard by 10.00 pm Thursday April 11th 2019
Requirements New Zealand legislators are about to make the sale and supply of cannabis
for medicinal purposes legal. See:
Imagine you are the country marketing manager for the New Zealand
business of GSK (GlaxoSmithKline). Companies such as this are known as
“Big Pharma” because they have billions invested in the development of
ethical pharmaceuticals and have strong interest in holding on to their
market share. The advent of medicinal cannabis is expected to disrupt the
current market in New Zealand for pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors
and primarily used for chronic pain management, drugs available to people
via the pharmacy or used in hospitals to manage long-term pain conditions.
You are very worried about the development of medicinal cannabis because
your business is heavily invested in continuing to sell expensive, researchintensive pharmaceuticals via distribution channels that are closely
monitored and controlled. Currently your company is not planning to enter
the medicinal cannabis market. You think this might be a mistake but do not
have any marketing data to convince the CEO otherwise.
You have noticed that even though the medicinal cannabis market is very
new, it seems to be highly disorganised with few identifiable (and legal)
channels for chronic pain sufferers to obtain products.
ƒ You think you might be able to create a new business model based
on your company sharing some of it’s resources with others (e.g.
other emerging businesses) to help develop the market in a
sustainable, organised, safe and ethical way.
ƒ You also believe that the end consumer (e.g. the chronic pain
patient) deserves better value from Big Pharma via new channels
(i.e. non-traditional) to access pain relief drugs, including medicinal

(1) Using any relevant ideas from Kumaraswamy, A., Garud, R., & Ansari, S.
(2018) article “Perspectives on Disruptive Innovations” Journal of
Management Studies 55:7, and the course materials about developing
segments including buyer personas (Weeks 2, 3 and 4) and other relevant
articles you find, create a report that describes a new business model and
that contains and addresses the following:
ƒ A title page listing your project title, name, student ID
ƒ What is the business model idea?
ƒ Who is the target segment for you and your emerging business
partners? Describe the segment/s you have identified with
marketing research, as well as using a consumer profile.
ƒ What is the specific unique selling proposition for your new
segment and for your potential new channel partners?
ƒ What kind of campaign/s would you use to reach either of your new
ƒ At the close of your report, include one or two paragraphs with
your brief analysis of the changing social and ethical environment in
New Zealand that opens the way for medicinal cannabis to be part
of a new pain relief market. What are some of the systems, norms,
values, beliefs and behaviours that are changing?
learning goals
1. Be inquiring, open, and agile thinkers able to seek out and address
complex problems
2. Be knowledgeable in a specialist area(s)
3. Be adept at working in changing local and global contexts and
4. Be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large
5. Be able to work collaboratively
6. Be effective communicators
Paper learning
2. Apply processes for segmenting marketing amongst organisaitons,
consumers and shoppers for marketing, advertising, retailing and
sales contexts.
4. Examine and apply opportunities within an omnichannel
environment for contemporary segmentation.