Wole Soyinka, Death and the King’s Horseman

This final reading response assignment expands the investigation begun in your individual readings and class discussions into a cohesive paper that argues, with passion and precision, for a unique and well-supported reading of a play. It is vital that you choose a text that continues to inspire, intrigue, and instruct you—that it “works on you” as you work on it. A helpful entry point to an essay might be to revisit a discussion question/thematic query established in class, but, of course, your essay will delve much deeper than these blanket themes: it will make an original argument supported by an engaged, lively, and accurate close reading of the text.

The response must also incorporate TWO secondary sources, including books/articles by literary critics that discuss the text; books/articles that discuss a theory related to your topic; and/or books/articles that discuss the social or historical context of the play.



Give your paper an appropriate and compelling title

Transition between paragraphs

Support your argument with specific examples from the play, i.e.: (Act.Scene-page).

Use proper MLA format everywhere

Use genre-specific terminology (characterization, protagonist, antagonist, plot, exposition, setting, style, tone, imagery, theme, metaphor, etc)


Include a long, uninteresting, overly-general introduction

Spend more than a few sentences summarizing the poem

Offer unnecessary biography of the author

Confuse a poem’s speaker with a poem’s author


THESIS and CONTENT (Development)

The essay has a thesis—a single, central point that is interesting, original, striking and substantial. The central idea is developed in the essay through well-chosen, appropriate, concrete details that show originality and freshness. Author shows rather than merely tells. Generalizations and assertions are defended. Arguments are logical.


The essay is organized and well structured (there is a beginning, a body, and a conclusion). The essay exhibits a clear strategy for persuasion and development. The organization works with the thesis so that the thesis and the organization serve the purpose of the essay. Essay does not digress from central point. Transitions help the paper flow smoothly. Introductory paragraph(s) is (are) interesting and appropriate. Concluding paragraph is clear and convincing.


Paragraphs are organized, unified and coherent. Each supporting paragraph has a controlling idea. In supporting paragraphs, topic idea helps further the thesis.


Sentences are well constructed. Writer avoids modifier problems. Sentences show variety of pattern and are rhetorically effective. The essay is written in a style and tone appropriate to the audience, topic and purpose. Words are appropriate and well chosen. Writer avoids jargon and sexist language.


Writer avoids errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics